Crosby, Texas lost Dachshund's remains found with help of pet psychic. This is a story of closur

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Imelda of Crosby, Texas let her 15 year old, partially blind Dachshund dog Daisy out to go potty. Daisy did not usually go far, particularly when it was chilly outside. About 10 minutes later Imelda noticed Daisy was missing. Imelda searched for Daisy for several hours with no luck. That is when she decided to contact a pet psychic for help.
When I communicated with Daisy, she shared that some kind of animal had grabbed her from above and then, all of a sudden, Daisy had crossed over into the spirit world. Daisy thought the animal might have been an owl or a hawk. Daisy let me know that she would be with Imelda if she could and that she had not expected anything like that to happen. Daisy had wanted to go on living with Imelda and her family forever, if possible.
Several days later, Imelda texted me to let me know that she had found Daisy's body in some woods not far from their home. It appeared that an owl had gotten to Daisy. Imelda texted pictures of Daisy's physical remains in the woods. Imelda also sent a picture of Daisy at her last birthday party which was the way that Imelda wanted to remember Daisy.
Imelda of Crosby, Texas writes:
“Thank you for your reading Hilary. We found Cookie's body in the woods. It looks like an owl took her.”