Pet Psychic helps woman locate another one of her cats.

Becky of Afton, Virginia had contacted me about one of her missing cats previously with great results. She wondered if I could help her again when her cat Luna went missing. Luna had been missing for a week. Becky feared that, because they lived in a rural area, a predator had taken Luna.
When I communicated with Luna, thankfully, he shared that he was alive! Luna was out on what he referred to as a "grand hunting safari" in the woods behind Becky's home. Luna reported hunting near the barn out in the woods. He said he planned to come home soon but he was too busy watching all of the young mice and rodents to make it home right away.
Becky was relieved, but skeptical that Luna was still alive, especially since she went out right away and found nothing. Soon after that, Becky went out again and found Luna by the pond in the woods. He was thin and dirty, but he was alive!
Becky of Afton, Virginia writes:
"I can not thank you enough. You gave me the hope to keep looking. Thanks again!"