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Learn How Ashley Was Coaxed Out Of Hiding.


Ashley, who had always stuck close to home, was nowhere to be found. Her human friend, Rita, was worried because Ashley didn't know much about surviving outdoors. I contacted Ashley and discovered that she was hiding in the parking garage of an apartment building several blocks away. Some neighborhood dogs had scared her into crossing a busy street and she was afraid to come home because she would have to cross the path of the dogs - and the busy street - to get there.

I worked with Ashley on changing some of her fears and encouraged her to come out of hiding when she felt safe. Ashley came home very early the next morning.


Rita in Madison, Wisconsin writes:


"Thanks for your help again, this time helping us find Ashley, our oldest cat. We let her out in the afternoon and she wasn't back that evening. We were very worried and our searches brought no Ashley. When she wasn't back the next morning, we were really upset. So I called you. You described the area, houses and streets and trees, so that you were able to tell us approximately where she was. You also found out from Ashley why she hadn't come home yet, and we felt 100% better just knowing she wasn't hurt and where to start looking again. Within hours we had her back. Thank you for being there for us again!! We love you!!"

how to coax a scared cat to come out of hiding, fear based behavior cats, how to find missing cats, lost cats

Ashley was home in time for Christmas!

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