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Missing Huntington Woods, Michigan Papillon Dog found with help of lost pet psychic


SV's parents had left her in charge of their Papillion dog, McKensy, right before they left for their Hawaiian vacation. Unfortunately, McKensy disappeared as soon as SV let her out for a potty break. SV found a hole in her fence and realized that McKensy must have wiggled through it.

When I contacted McKensy she let me know that she was out searching for SV's parents. She had trotted off to her right and gone about 1/2 mile away until she became too cold because of the bad weather. McKensy found an open garage door and jumped inside an car where she was keeping warm.

SV could not find any open garages at that point, but she left fliers with McKensy's photo and her phone number in mail boxes in that area. Two days later a man called to let SV know that he had found McKensy. She was sleeping in his car and hungry.

Thankfully, SV's parents were able to enjoy their Hawaiian vacation after all! As you can see from the photo, McKensy has recuperated and is her stubborn but adorable self.


SV of Huntington Woods, Michigan writes:

"I was so pleased to find someone who understood how upset I was feeling. There was no way I was going to let this ruin my parents vacation! Hilary gave me hope! Just having someone to talk to who understands how much McKensy means to my family changed everything for the better. Thank you Hilary!"

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