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Some cats are attached to their homes and daily routes that they loathe the idea of leaving.

Wendell disappeared the day the moving van arrived in their driveway. Six months later Kari still worried about Wendell and how he would was fending for himself. Even though Kari lived a five hour drive away from her former home, Kari solicited my help.

When I contacted Wendell told me he often sat on top of a garage about two blocks from Kari's old home. He liked to watch a man who was about thirty years old play with toy remote-controlled cars in the driveway of his well-manicured, beige home. Wendell was fascinated by the fast zigzag movement of the cars. It reminded him of how mice moved back and forth. It was like kitty TV. Conveniently, there was a dish of what seemed like never ending cat food in the garage below his hideout, so Wendell felt like he had it good.

Kari sent her real estate agent Kim in search of Wendell. After interviewing a few people in Kari's former neighborhood, Kim was able to locate the man who ran remote-controlled cars in his driveway and the garage across the street where a lady left food out for her own cat.

To make a long story short, the real estate agent was able to trap Wendell, sedate him and put him on a plane for a joyful reunion with Kari.

Real Estate Agent Kim of California writes:

"Your work is amazing. I would have never known to look for Wendell across the street from a man who uses toy cars.

You open people up to a dimension they could not see on their own."

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