Thibodaux, Louisiana lost Bengal cat found with help of animal communicator.

Julie of Thibodaux, Louisiana contacted me because Flash her Bengal cat had gotten out of his outdoor enclosure. Julie had not seen Flash for two days. Julie worried that because of the personality of the Bengal cat, Flash could be long gone and would think nothing of roaming around where he might get hurt.
When I communicated with Flash, he showed me that he was indeed out roaming around, but he was just hiding by the stream in Julie's yard. Every time Julie came around felt the natural instinct to hide. Flash was having a great time enjoying all of the sights around him, the bugs and even other small critters.
Julie reports how she coaxed Flash out of hiding with food below:
"It's late. I went out in the back yard. When we got here, I felt such a strong presence of Flash. I went out and called and called and my Doberman was going crazy, like she smelled something. I put a plate of food on the deck and did some work around the house. When I looked out again, the plate was moved and I saw the shadow of a cat! Unfortunately, it was another cat I'd never seen before. I still felt very strongly that he was here. I went to watch tv in my room and all of a sudden I heard this LOUD beautiful MEOW! My daughter was coming down the hall carrying him!!! She'd heard him out on the deck, right near the pond and the falling mesh around the trampoline. He was DUSTY and SKINNY, but very happy. We have fed him and put him back in his enclosure. We have two iron cages along with the 5 locks on the door. Tomorrow, we will have to FLASHproof the cage!
Thanks so much for the encouraging things you told me he saw. It reinforced my feeling that he was here, and he was and very much ALIVE!
Great JOB!!"