Lost Auckland, New Zealand Cat Found After Three Months With Help Of Animal Communicator

Lost Auckland, New Zealand Cat Found After Three Months With Help Of Animal Communicator
Kiri of Auckland, New Zealand’s cat Oscar had been missing for 3 months. Kiri reported that an aggressive, feral cat had started hanging around their home when Oscar went missing. Unfortunately, the feral cat was still hanging around their neighborhood and appeared in Kiri’s yard occasionally.
Kiri contacted me because she worried that Oscar would never return home on his own as long as the aggressive cat still lurked nearby.
When I communicated with Oscar, he told me was in a situation just like Kiri feared. Oscar was afraid of the other cat. Oscar explained the other cat wanted to “show the world he was the boss” even if Oscar did nothing to provoke the other cat’s aggressive behavior.
Oscar reported hiding out about four blocks from Kiri’s home near a musty smelling garage, many bushes, a large van, a ladder, tools, a man with dark short hair and another man who was older.
I shared Oscar’s information with Kiri during a Skype internet phone conversation.
Kiri texted me to let me know that she had been able to locate Oscar four days later.
Kiri of Auckland, New Zealand writes:
“Oscar's location was spot on - 4 blocks and in an overgrown yard - went to an area that matched that description and located him several days after we skyped. Oscar had been missing three months. ”