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Missing cat's last location found in Durham, United Kingdom

Hilary Renaissance

Missing cat's last location found Durham United Kingdom

Cat's last location found Durham, United Kingdom

Fiona contacted me because her cat Toasty had been missing for two weeks. Fiona had exhausted all other possibilities and decided that contacting a pet psychic could not hurt.

When I communicated with Toasty, he let me know that he had had traveled across a nearby field and came to a hole or sewer pipe with long grass around it that could also be hay. Unfortunately, Toasty let me know that some kind of animal had suddenly grabbed him from behind and Toasty had crossed over into the spirit world. Toasty showed me that he had been visiting Fiona in her dreams to let her know that Toasty was at peace.

Fiona went out and found the across the field with the drainage hole and tall grass. She wrote to let me know that she was amazed to find the location because there was no way that I could have Googled it on a map and that the experience brought her closure with Toasty.

Fiona of Durham, United Kingdom writes:

"I know what I found wasn't on any map. You even mentioned hay which I thought was really odd, but I went with it anyway. As you gave me the clues and information to find Toasty as I went looking today even I felt guided and I knew I was going the right direction. I'd just like to say I'm amazed and you are extremely gifted, we aren't even in the same country and you managed to do this! I've had some weird moments myself regarding intuitive insight (this was too close for me) and I know that people like yourself do exist because of that. I also know that this area can be extremely fraudulent but I know you are the real deal and I can't thank you enough for giving me the closure I desperately needed."

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