Hilary Renaissance, Pet Psychic

Jan 25, 2020

Missing High Point, North Carolina Poodle dog found with help of pet psychic.

Ava of High Point, North Carolina contacted a pet psychic because her mom's poodle dog Sargent was missing. Sargent ran away when a cleaning person made a loud noise. At first Sargent had been sighted at a nearby department store parking lot. When when a good person tried to catch Sargent, he took off and was last spotted running towards some woods nearby. Many people had volunteered to help find Sargent, but Sargent was still missing.

When I communicated with Sargent he showed me that he was alive, he was not far from the wooded area where Ava had been looking, he was near a beige building, near a machine that made a repeating clicking sound, near a man with tan skin with dark brown hair, near some boxes, near a sheet of plastic.

Ava and the volunteers followed my suggestion. Thankfully, they found Sargent and were able to get close enough to catch him before he ran off again. As you can see from the video, Sargent is home and safe again!

Ava of High Point, North Carolina writes about her experience with a pet psychic Hilary:

"Someone called about 6:30 said they spotted spotted him running behind a abandon house that backed up to about 7.5 acres of land we. Immediately went and after about two hours of trying to successfully catch him was great teamwork we finally did he was in complete survival mode and on the run we were not calling his name and I remembered everything that you said I sat down and laid down in the field and someone else was able to successfully grab him he is not injured today was day six we had our consultation with you at 1 PM and he was home by 9 PM we are so grateful for your time."

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