Hilary Renaissance

Mar 13, 2018

Germantown, Tennessee missing cat is found with help of pet psychic. Review and testimonial from an

Updated: Jun 27, 2023

Judy of Germantown, Tennessee had never contacted a pet psychic before, but when her cat Baby T Rex went missing and three days had gone by with no sightings, Judy decided it was time to have an open mind and see if a pet psychic could help her out. Judy reasoned that since nothing else she had tried had brought Baby T Rex home, maybe an animal communicator could figure out what was keeping Baby T Rex away. Judy had bottle fed Baby T Rex as a kitten and she felt very attached to him and responsible for his welfare. Judy mentioned that Baby T Rex did not like to wander far from her home, usually coming right back when called.

When I communicated with Baby T Rex, he showed me that a raccoon had hissed at him and scared him away. He was hiding in some bushes really close to Judy's door, but was afraid to come out. Baby T Rex had gone into what is referred to as "survival mode" and was not going to come out for Judy or anyone. He was just too wary of the raccoon to move from his hiding place.

If you have ever tried to coax a scared cat who has gone into survival mode out of hiding, you know the process is extremely frustrating. You are doing your best to help the poor cat, but the cat's ingrained survival mode blocks your best efforts every step of the way.

I sent Reiki energy to Baby T Rex and gave Judy suggestions on how she could help Baby T Rex come home.

Judy of Germantown, Tennessee writes:

"You will never believe who was banging on my back door around 3 am....Thank you so much for your help with Baby T!!!!! You are an angel with such a gift!!!"

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